Monday, August 15, 2011

I Made It! I mean her... and the book too.

Hello, Everybody! (For some reason I have a cartoon voice in my head when I say that.)

It's been too long, I know. But you can't be mad at me because I had to take personal time for this:

Isn't she adorable? (Like I have to ask.)

So a little back ground on the last eight months. I had planned to get Bright Pulse out to the literary public in February, but I was tired. Lame excuse but it's all I got. April was soooo stressful. May... I was sick, didn't know it, and then induced. May 21st, 6 weeks early, I had a healthy bundle of joy. "Never knew a love like this." (Everyone sing along.)

Then I got back into the writing habit! Between diaper changes, feedings, and sleeping, of course. That left me like an hour a day... there-a-bouts. Now I'm working on my SL project again. If you've read my older posts you know that I have been working on it since roughly last September. I have the first draft of the trilogy done, 90% of the first draft of book two done, and random pieces of book three written. It's coming along good though.

Also, there will be a Comic Con 3! I'm so excited. I have a great time every year. The people are great and so is the all the stuff you can buy! If you're around in October, come. That's a command. Not an option. ;) I'll keep this blog updated on Comic Con info as I get it. For those of you who are interested, anyway. If you're not, well, too bad.

I'm outta here. It's getting late (I'm a mom now, I have to say that) and I'm hungry... Peace!

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