If you have received an email regarding this blog and how my website is a pain in the butt, then WELCOME!
What I forgot to add in the email was if you'd like me to update you on new book info and the sorts, just post a comment at the bottom of this entry and I'll add it to my contacts in my email. Apparently, there is also a subscribe by email at the end of the post. It's bright blue! And you have to be a blogger or Google member to do it. I won't add members from my other website without you adding a post. If you're not from my old website and you're concerned about putting your email down where others can see it, then go to the About Me on the sidebar and send me your email address. You can see my whole profile and interests there.
Also, if you'd like an email for every post I put up I can add that as well, but only if you'd like;) If you don't get a chance to really explore the sidebar there are some links to the other blogs I have (one for each book) and you can join those as well or just get info from this main page. Please see the links below if you're pressed for time or just too lazy to look:
The Vernore Gene
The Lyon's Key
Thanks for visiting and don't forget to post a comment!
put me on the list!! -P